Hi, all. Just a quick, boring post to note that I’ve written a few recent pieces I’m particularly proud of:
-A review of a book about the makeup brand Glossier: https://www.washingtonpost.com/books/2023/09/06/glossy-glossier-marisa-meltzer-emily-weiss-review/
-A review of a book by Freddie deBoer that I think makes some of the mistakes characteristic of the dirtbag left” or “post left” or whatever you want to call it (that is, the mistakes made by people on their way to Glenn Greenwald land): https://www.washingtonpost.com/books/2023/09/01/how-elites-ate-social-justice-movement-fredrik-deboer-review/
Perhaps more importantly, The Point is hosting an Issue 30 (that’s beauty, if you do not recall) release party on September 15 in New York. I’ll be there! Will you?! Here’s the info: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/the-point-release-party-issue-30-what-is-beauty-for-tickets-708096865787?aff=odeimcmailchimp&mc_cid=b0d42c9c9a&mc_eid=87b65a153e
"There is only the flash and the fury, the sudden surge of belief in a better life." So beautiful, thank you so much.