I am working on a longer piece, out later next week, so stay tuned for more writing from me. But more importantly, two of my favorite living writers have just written their first installments of new columns for The Point!!!!!!!!
The first is about black horror and is by Nicholas Whittaker, who wrote a great essay (one of my favorites to edit ever!) about the topic a while ago (https://thepointmag.com/criticism/making-them-suffer/). Here’s the first installment, an introduction to the column, which will focus on particular films in future installments! https://thepointmag.com/criticism/another-story-black-horror/
The second is a philosophical advice column about love and sex by one of my favorite contemporary novelists, Lillian Fishman (I reviewed her amazing debut novel here: https://amp.theguardian.com/books/2022/jul/22/acts-of-service-by-lillian-fishman-review-a-sex-masterpiece. There’s also a longer essay about it in my book!) The first installment of the column (featuring an incredible vindication of the moral importance of gossip) is here:https://thepointmag.com/advice/i-dont-want-to-go-back/.
Hope you’ll follow both of these geniuses as they write more column installments!
I love Lillian Fishman's essay on advice columns--thanks for this!