Just read your review of ‘Morning After the Revolution.' So impressive, so well written. Hope to read more of you.

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Just thought you should know.

Link does not work. Spent 3-5 minutes noodling around looking for Boston dates. No luck! So much for big publishing’s huge marketing departments!

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Alas, I think this is because the tour is over now! Boston was last week :(

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Happy to have gotten my copy and congrats. Thinking about your preference that the audience focus on your writing, not your spoken words, I wonder if you’ve seen this (h/t Gwern): A transition from an author’s book to his conversation, is too often like an entrance into a large city, after a distant prospect. Remotely, we see nothing but spires of temples and turrets of palaces, and imagine it the residence of splendour, grandeur and magnificence; but when we have passed the gates, we find it perplexed with narrow passages, disgraced with despicable cottages, embarrassed with obstructions, and clouded with smoke.Samuel Johnson; The Rambler, No. 14 (1750-05-05)1⁠

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Purchased the book 🫡 !! So very excited to see you next week.

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Can't wait to read it. Congrats, Becccccccccaaaaaaaa!!!

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