Jun 8Liked by becca rothfeld

The Phil Christman essay is indeed a banger. Thanks for the tip.

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I've been reading your book, Becca, and your substack inspired me to start my own, and I also think we are intellectual soul mates (in the definition of spirits born in the same frequency, not the populist twin flame style romantic love that is often very destructive) so I was thriiiiilled to find you reviewed Jill Ciments book! I made the mistake of reading the NYT review AND the comments, so I am thankful that you're review is so much more comprehensive than "oooh look at this controversial topic and the woman behind it!" I read the book as an ARC earlier this year and I just knew the culture wasn't ready for it (will they ever be?). Props! 🙌

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thank you so much! i knew there would be some insane responses to the book/review—the “age gap” discourse won’t die—but it really deserves to be read and appreciated!

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Jun 14Liked by becca rothfeld

Fantastic updates! But you neglected to mention that you have a wonderful new introduction to a book of short stories out! Learned about it in an article on Kafka Amanda Hess wrote, for which she interviewed you--your quotes are the highlight of Hess' piece! Hope you feel better soon, Becca.

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Thank you so much ♥️

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Jun 8Liked by becca rothfeld

I've read about half of the essays in All Things Are Too Small. Just superb. (And laugh-out-loud funny in so many places.)

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thank you so much <3

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Come to Belgium! :)

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